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CruiseControl Configuration/Monitoring Client Installation

This client may be used to edit the cruisecontrol.xml file or create new one. It may also be used to monitor project status.

NOTE: To monitor cruise and/or configure a running server, you must first add -rmiport 9999 to the starup script you are using for cruise. The 9999 may be any open port on the server and will be used in by the cc-config tool to connect to cruise.


From CruiseControl Configuration Site

Use this method if you want to keep up to date with the latest changes and you have internet access.

To Install:

  1. For Version 1.8, click here.
  2. For the latest build (Version 1.8.1), click here.
  3. Select OK to open with default application.
  4. Java Webstart will then download several files.
  5. You will be asked if you want to trust the application. Click Start button.

Standalone Client Application

This install is for those who may not have internet access or only want to run the current version and don't want automatic updates.

To Install:

  1. Download the cc-config-bin distribution
  2. Extract the download into a local directory
  3. Use the startup.bat or file in the bin sub-directory to run the application.

Local Webstart install

The local webstart install is for a large team that wants to keep the install on the corporate network. This install requires a web container like Tomcat to deploy the install inside of.

To Install:

  1. Download the cc-config distribution
  2. Extract the download into a local directory
  3. Change the main.dir property to point to your cruisecontrol install main sub-directory.
    Note: For version 2.3+ of CC binary distribution, set this to the root directory.
  4. Run ant setup from the root directory. This will copy required jar files into the configuration tool 3rdparty directory.
  5. Run ant build.webstart.dist from the root directory. This will build the cc-configuration.war file in the dist sub-directory..
  6. Deploy the cc-configuration.war file in your web container. For Tomcat users, just drop the .war file in the webapps directory.
  7. Point your web browser to http://yourserver/cc-configuration/cruisecontrol-gui.jnlp.
  8. Select Ok to open with default application.
  9. Java Webstart will then download several files.
  10. You will be asked if you want to trust the application. Click Start button.

Targeted for previous cruise version Standalone Client Application

This install is for those who may not have internet access or only want to run the current version and don't want automatic updates. and want to build it specifically for an earlier version of cruisecontrol.

To Install:

  1. Download the cc-config distribution
  2. Extract the download into a local directory
  3. Change the main.dir property to point to your cruisecontrol install main sub-directory.
    Note: For version 2.3+ of CC binary distribution, set this to the root directory.
  4. Run ant setup from the root directory. This will copy required jar files into the configuration tool 3rdparty directory.
  5. Run ant build.standalone.dist to create the file in the dist sub-directory.
  6. Unzip the file into whichever directory you wish to run it from.
  7. Use the startup.bat or file in the bin sub-directory to run the application.