Known Bugs/Issues:
Things to be added:
- Mandatory and optional fields should be distinguished in some way
- Add Validation when pasting nodes
- Allow double click on elements in tabbed panel to take you to the node in the tree for
further configuration
- Dynamically building list of elements from the Plugin object
- Make changing the attributes, elements, etc easier.
Add menu shortcuts like for save.
Add ability to resize the help panel.
Add tabs to main nodes to allow configuration without so much navigation
Add support for properties (2.2.2 feature)
Allow users to edit the xml directly.
Build user manual.
Longer term items:
- Plug-in for eclipse, others
- Check out using Web on Swing for
building web application.
Not working on the XML file directly, working against the CC server process (or at least getting the file, editing it,
and sending it back, so it would appear as we were working on the server directly)
Some project overview panel, where we could see the status of each project (last successful, failed, etc..)
Some indication on the project node about the status within the build process.
Being able to force the build via the JMX interface